I was assigned to the 552nd in Fort Riley, KS, as it was re-activated in the spring of 1966.  Spent nearly a year there readying the 9th Division for departure for Vietnam.  The 552nd shipped out in April 1967 (approx) - aboard the USNS Gordon, from Oakland, CA. Thirty four days later, we disembarked in Cam Rahn Bay.  The Unit set up in Phan Rhang, I tdy'd to Phan Thiet until the unit convoyed to Pleiku, and became part of the 62nd Maint Bn. I don't recall the exact date we moved to Qui Nhon, but shortly thereafter, in September 1968, I came back to the World, and was discharged. The only person I ever saw again was a guy named David Taflinger - who joined the Unit just before I left...............James Brown
